I have a class in PHP like this:

class RandomNumberStorer{

     var $integers = [];

     public function store_number($int){
         array_push($this->integers, $int);

     public function run(){

...elsewhere I have a function that takes a function as a parameter, say:

function generate_number($thingtoDo){ 

So I initialise a RandomNumberStorer and run it:

$rns = new RandomNumberStorer();

And I get an error stating that there has been a 'Call to undefined function store_number'. Now, I understand that that with store_number's being within the RandomNumberStorer class, it is a more a method but is there any way I can pass a class method into the generate_number function?

I have tried moving the store_number function out of the class, but then I then, of course, I get an error relating to the reference to $this out of the context of a class/ instance.

I would like to avoid passing the instance of RandomNumberStorer to the external generate_number function since I use this function elsewhere.

Can this even be done? I was envisaging something like:


1 回答 1



实例化对象的方法作为数组传递,该数组包含索引 0 处的对象和索引 1 处的方法名称。


generate_number([$this, 'store_number']);


generate_number(function($int) { $this->store_number($int); });
于 2013-09-09T21:52:54.157 回答