This is kind of confusing, apologies in advance. I am configuring a new (temporary) internal production web server with the following specs:

OSX 10.8.4 (Mountain Lion), Apache 2.2.25, PostgreSQL 9.2, Python 2.7.5, Django 1.5.2, R 3.0.1, RPy2 2.3.7, virtualenv 1.10.4, virtualenvwrapper 4.1.1, mod_wsgi 3.4

This was set up on a new machine using Homebrew and pip. I removed original, Apple-installed versions of Apache and Postgres before doing the installs. Both Apache and mod_wsgi work. mod_wsgi is installed to run as daemon process.

Virtual hosts is configured in Apache to access django via mod_wsgi and the wsgi.py file contains the following lines:

import os,sys,site

# Activate the virtual environment
# Taken from http://thecodeship.com/deployment/deploy-django-apache-virtualenv-and-mod_wsgi/
activate_env = os.path.expanduser('/Users/kaiju/.virtualenvs/nauru_dev/bin/activate_this.py')

All python packages (including django and RPy2) have been installed using the virtual environment's python site-packages.

R was installed using Homebrew and works fine from the command line or from python interpreter when invoked within the virtual env (most of the time, more later).

homebrew.mxcl.httpd.plist has been added to /Library/LaunchDaemons instead of ~/Library/LaunchAgents so that it would automatically start when the machine is rebooted. homebrew.mxcl.postgres.plist has been added to ~/Library/LaunchAgents (probably should also move it to /Library/LaunchDaemons).

So here is the problem. When everything was installed, it worked together fine. To verify everything was cool, I restarted the machine and tested the django application. Apache is running, as is django, but now I get the following error:

RuntimeError at /admin/
R_HOME not defined, and no R command in the PATH.
     Request Method:    GET
        Request URL:    http://nauru.xoma.com/admin/
     Django Version:    1.5.2
     Exception Type:    RuntimeError
    Exception Value:    R_HOME not defined, and no R command in the PATH.
    Exception Location: /Users/kaiju/.virtualenvs/nauru_dev/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2/rinterface/__init__.py in <module>, line 48
  Python Executable:    /usr/local/opt/python/bin/python2.7
     Python Version:    2.7.5
        Python Path:    ['usr/local/var/django/code/ri',

But if I open a terminal window and type

sudo apachectl stop
sudo apachectl start

When the server comes back, everything works. This does not happen if I use sudo apachectl restart, in that case the error remains. What is going on? Too many moving parts for me.


2 回答 2




到用于 mod_wsgi / django 的 wsgi.py 文件的开头。它应该在激活虚拟环境之前添加。还应在此处添加任何其他环境变量。所以现在 wsgi.py 文件看起来像这样:

import os,sys,site

# Activate the virtual environment
# Taken from http://thecodeship.com/deployment/deploy-django-apache-virtualenv-and-mod_wsgi/
activate_env = os.path.expanduser('/Users/kaiju/.virtualenvs/nauru_dev/bin/activate_this.py')


# We defer to a DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE already in the environment. This breaks
# if running multiple sites in the same mod_wsgi process. To fix this, use
# mod_wsgi daemon mode with each site in its own daemon process, or use
# os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "ri.settings"

# This application object is used by any WSGI server configured to use this
# file. This includes Django's development server, if the WSGI_APPLICATION
# setting points here.
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
application = get_wsgi_application()


于 2013-09-13T16:45:04.973 回答

我相信这sys.path与环境变量 PATH 几乎没有关系,它应该设置(以及LD_LIBRARY_PATH如果需要)。

我猜 Apache 正在以专用用户身份运行(出于明显的安全原因,不是您自己的 UID),并且该用户的路径中没有 R(其他安全步骤 - 默认情况下,Apache 不应该能够在您的系统)。

您必须允许 Apache 运行系统的 R,或者只为您的服务器安装 R(如果考虑使用原型之外的任何东西,后者会更好)

于 2013-09-09T22:21:49.283 回答