我一直在尝试在不使用库的情况下在 java 中制作动态灯光系统。但是,出于某种原因,我似乎无法获得光线以有效地运行。它闪烁并滞后一吨。我这样做之前对游戏中的光照引擎一无所知,所以我愿意接受建议。这是我当前的更新方法:
public void updateLight( ArrayList<Block> blocks )
//reset light
//add the x and y of this light
light.addPoint( x, y );
//precision for loops
int ires = 1;
int jres = 2;
for( int i = 0; i < width; i += ires )
//get radians of current angle
float rdir = (float)Math.toRadians( dir + i - width/2 );
//set up pixel vars
int px, py;
for( int j = 0; j < length; j += jres )
//get position of pixel
px = (int)ZZmath.getVectorX( x, rdir, j );
py = (int)ZZmath.getVectorY( y, rdir, j );
//if point gets found
boolean foundpoint = false;
for( int n = 0; n < blocks.size(); n ++ )
//check if block is solid
//also check that collision is possible really quickly for efficiency
if( blocks.get( n ).solid )
//get info on block
int bx = blocks.get( n ).x;
int by = blocks.get( n ).y;
//quick trim
if( Math.abs( bx - px ) <= 32 && Math.abs( by - py ) <= 32 )
int bw = blocks.get( n ).w;
int bh = blocks.get( n ).h;
if( ZZmath.pointInBounds( px, py, bx, by, bw, bh ) )
//add point to polygon
light.addPoint( px, py );
//found point
foundpoint = true;
//if a point is found, break
if( foundpoint )
//if at end of loop, add point
//loose definition of "end" to prevent flickers
if( j >= length - jres*2 )
light.addPoint( px, py );