
tell application "Finder"
    set desktopPictures to folder "Path:To:Desktop:Pictures:"
set fileList to name of every file of desktopPictures
set theNum to random number from 1 to (count fileList) with seed ((time of (current date)) * 4)
set fileName to item theNum of fileList
set desktop picture to file fileName in desktopPictures
end tell


tell application "Finder"
    set desktopPictures to folder "Path:To:Desktop:Pictures:"
    set fileList to name of every file of desktopPictures
    set theDesktops to a reference to every desktop 
    repeat with aDesktop in theDesktops
        set theNum to random number from 1 to (count fileList) with seed ((time of (current date)) * 4)
        set fileName to item theNum of fileList
        set picture of aDesktop to file fileName in desktopPictures
    end repeat
end tell


Expected class name but found property.desktop第 4 行突出显示


1 回答 1



在 Applescript 中,某些命令存在于特定应用程序的字典中,并且必须使用“告诉应用程序”块来引用。在这种情况下,“每个桌面”调用都在“系统事件”应用程序中。


tell application "Finder"
    set desktopPictures to folder "Path:To:Desktop:Pictures:"
    set fileList to name of every file of desktopPictures
    tell application "System Events"
        set theDesktops to a reference to every desktop
    end tell
    repeat with aDesktop in theDesktops
        set theNum to random number from 1 to (count fileList) with seed ((time of (current date)) * 4)
        set fileName to item theNum of fileList
        set picture of aDesktop to file fileName in desktopPictures
    end repeat
end tell
于 2013-09-09T21:23:21.520 回答