
  1. 搜索具有给定条件的酒店\房间
    • 检查请求是否成功
    • 检查至少有一些结果
  2. 从步骤 1 中选择随机房间。
  3. 从第 2 步开始预订房间。
    • 检查请求是否成功
  4. 从第 3 步取消预订。
    • 检查请求是否成功


  • 我们不能执行 3. 不执行 1。
  • 我们不能执行 4. 不执行 3。
  • 如果某个步骤失败,我们应该中止该功能



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class HotelSpec extends mutable.Specification { sequential
  val hotel = new HotelProcess

  "get a room available on Monday" >> ifHotelOk {
    val rooms = request(MONDAY)
    hotel.selectedRooms = rooms
    rooms must not beEmpty

  "book the room" >> ifHotelOk {
    val booking = bookRoom(hotel.selectedRooms.head)
    hotel.currentBooking = booking
    booking must beOk

  def ifHotelOk(r: =>Any) = if (hotel.canContinueProcess) {
    try { r; hotel.continueProcess }
    catch { case t: Throwable => hotel.stopProcess; throw t }
  } else skipped("hotel process error in previous steps")


这是另一种更好地封装 var 的方法:

import org.specs2._
import org.specs2.execute._
import org.specs2.specification.FixtureExample

class HotelSpec extends HotelProcessSpec {
  "get a room available on Monday" >> { hotel: HP =>
    val rooms = request(MONDAY)
    rooms must be empty

    // update the state of the process at the end of the example

  // this example will only execute if the previous step was ok
  "book the room" >> { hotel: HP =>
    val booking = bookRoom(hotel.selectedRooms.head)
    booking.booked must beTrue

  val MONDAY = "monday"
  def request(day: String): Seq[Room] = Seq(Room())
  def bookRoom(room: Room) = Booking()

 * A specification trait encapsulating the process of booking hotel rooms
trait HotelProcessSpec extends mutable.Specification with FixtureExample[HotelProcess] {

  type HP = HotelProcess
  private var hotelProcess = HotelProcess()

  // if the hotelProcess is returned as the last statement of an Example
  // set the new value of the hotelProcess and return Success
  implicit def hotelProcessAsResult: AsResult[HotelProcess] = new AsResult[HotelProcess] {
    def asResult(hp: =>HotelProcess) =
      try { hotelProcess = hp; Success() }
      catch { case t: Throwable => hotelProcess = hotelProcess.stop; throw t }

   * stop executing examples if one previous step failed
  protected def fixture[R : AsResult](f: HotelProcess => R): Result = {
    if (hotelProcess.continue) {
      val result = AsResult(f(hotelProcess))
      if (!result.isSuccess) hotelProcess = hotelProcess.stop
    else                       skipped(" - SKIPPED: can't execute this step")


case class HotelProcess(selectedRooms: Seq[Room] = Seq(), continue: Boolean = true) {
  def stop = copy(continue = false)
  def selectedRoomsAre(rooms: Seq[Room]) = copy(selectedRooms = rooms)
case class Room(number: Int = 0)
case class Booking(booked: Boolean = true)
于 2013-09-09T21:17:34.997 回答