我在练习中遇到了问题。练习是关于团队的。用户必须输入运动员的姓名和年龄、球队的姓名和住所以及运动的名称。当用户按下“创建运动员”按钮时,会出现一个 Joptionpane.inputdialog 询问他要将运动员放在哪个团队中。
我的问题是如何检查该团队是否存在于 arraylist 团队中,以及如何将运动员放置在该团队中。
if(e.getSource() == createAthlete){
String nameA = athleteName.getText();
Athlete A = new Athlete(nameA,Integer.parseInt(athleteAge.getText()));
String team= JOptionPane.showInputDialog("In what team do you want to place the athlete?);
public class Championship {
private String name;
private int durationMonths;
private static ArrayList<Championship> cship = new ArrayList<Championship>();
private static ArrayList<Club> clubs = new ArrayList<Club>();
public Championship(String name, int durationMonths){
this.name = name;
this.durationMonths = durationMonths;
public static void addChampioship(Championship c){
public static void addClub(Club club){