我正在编写一个小型数学游戏,其中生成总和,当回答时,得分,然后生成另一个总和。大约一个小时前,该程序完美无缺,但原因之一是;如果用户尝试输入包含多个数字的任何内容(除了将 - 放在数字之前,用于负值),程序将崩溃。这是我当前用于解析输入的代码(我可能使用了错误的术语;如果是这样,我很抱歉):
private void txtAnswer_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
// If a press of the enter key is detected...
if(e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Return)
// The player's answer is converted to an integer and checked against the correct answer.
userguess = System.Convert.ToInt32(txtAnswer.Text);
if (userguess == answer)
// If the player's answer is correct, an appropriate message is displayed and 1 point added to the kill-score.
lblResult.Text = "# Enemy charge calculated correctly, charge bounced back and damage evaded.";
lblRight.Text = (System.Convert.ToInt32(lblRight.Text) + 1).ToString();
// If the player's answer is incorrect, an appropriate message is displayed and 100 points are added to the damages cost counter.
lblResult.Text = "# Enemy charge calculated incorrectly, charge fired and hit! The charge had " + answer.ToString() + " power units applied.";
lblWrong.Text = (System.Convert.ToInt32(lblWrong.Text) + 100).ToString();
// After appropriate action has been taken based on the player's answer, a new sum is generated.