So I am using the Bluimp Jquery File Upload plugin to upload files to S3. Everything works fine, except that, once I have uploaded 1 file, I cannot upload another. The element is still present on the page, but it seems like the event listener has stopped working perhaps. Essentially, I would just like to reload one div (.activity-post).

I have tried the following:

      $(".activity-post").load(window.location.href  + ".activity-post");
      document.getElementById('#inputfile').reset(); //also doesnt work.  

This is the loadActivity() function:

function loadActivity() {
  var competitionId = $("body").attr("data-competitionId");
  var url = "activity_api.php?competitionId=" + competitionId;

   $.get(url, function(data) {

Here is the script:

    url: 'upload.php?competitionId=<?php echo $_GET['competitionId']; ?>',
    sequentialUploads : true,
    dataType: 'text',
    progressall: function (e, data) {
    done: function (e, data) {
       console.log("updating activity feed");
       //reset element here. 

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