I have some dlls written in Dotnet which I am using to access thousands of binary files. The data is compartmentalized by directories, so as a performance enhancement I thought of using multiple processes or threads to churn through the files.
I have a function, currently part of the main class (requiring self as an argument), this could easily be refactored to a private method.
My first inclination is to use the Multiprocess module, but that doesn't seem to be available for IronPython.
My next thought was to use Task
def __createThreads(self):
tasks = Array.CreateInstance(Task, 5)
for idx in range(0, 5):
tasks.append(Task.Factory.StartNew(self.__doWork, args=(idx,)))
def __doWork(self, idx):
for index in range (0, idx):
print "Thread: %d | Index: %d" % (idx, index)
Or to use Thread
def __createThreads(self):
threads = list()
for idx in range(0, 5):
t = Thread(ThreadStart(self.__doWork))
while len(threads) > 0:
for t in threads:
if(not t.IsAlive):
What I cannot find is a IronPython example of how to pass arguements