我有两个表 table1 和 table2
例如:表 1
id1 name1 fatherName1 village1 category1 subcategory1
1, a, x1, v1, c1, sc1
2, b, x2, v2, c2, sc2
3, a, x1, v1, c3, sc3
4, c, x4, v4, c4, sc4
id2 name2 fatherName2 village2 category2 subcategory2
1, a, x1, v1, c5, sc5
2, b, x2, v2, c2, sc2
3, c, x5, v5, c3, sc3
4, d, x6, v6, c6, sc6
上面我提到了表格的 6 列和 4 行。
all the rows table1 and table2 where
and table1.fatherName1= table2.fateherName2
and table1.village1=table2.village2)
OR (table1.name1=table1.name1
and table1.fatherName1= table1.fateherName1
and table1.village1=table1.village1)
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