更快,仅 1 次合并,具有更大的灵活性(keepDuplicates,自定义比较器):
/* mergeSortedArrays(arrays[, keepDuplicates[, comparator[, thisArg]]])
Merges multiple sorted arrays into a new sorted array.
- arrays: array of sorted arrays to be merged
- keepDuplicates (optional): (true/false) whether to keep duplicate values
Default: false
- comparator (optional): function used to compare values
Default: sort numbers in ascending order
Example comparator: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort
- thisArg (optional): comparator is bound to thisArg when invoked
Returns: a new sorted array containing all the values from the arrays
function mergeSortedArrays(arrays, keepDuplicates, comparator, thisArg) {
// Coerce to boolean to speed up testings in some javascript engines:
keepDuplicates = !!keepDuplicates;
// By default, sort numbers in ascending order:
if(!comparator) comparator = function(a, b) { return a - b; };
var nb = arrays.length, // Number of arrays to be merged
iter = new Array(nb), // Current position of iteration of each array
next = [], // Keep each array sorted by the value of their next element
length = 0; // The combined length of all arrays
// Populate iter and next:
for(var i = 0, arr; i < nb; i++) {
arr = arrays[i];
iter[i] = 0;
if(arr.length > 0) {
insertNextIndex(next, i, arr[0], comparator, thisArg);
length += arr.length;
// Insert index of array into next:
function insertNextIndex(next, index, val, comparator, thisArg) {
var i = next.length;
while(i--) { // Reverse loop...
var j = next[i];
if(comparator.call(thisArg, arrays[j][iter[j]], val) >= 0) { // ...until we find a greater value
next.splice(i + 1, 0, index);
var merged = keepDuplicates ? new Array(length) : [],
k = 0, // Iterate over merged
min, val, lastVal;
// First iteration to get a value for lastVal (for duplicate checks):
if(!keepDuplicates && next.length > 0) {
min = next.pop();
arr = arrays[min];
i = iter[min]++;
val = arr[i];
merged[k++] = val;
lastVal = val;
if(++i < arr.length) { // If available, insert next value in next:
insertNextIndex(next, min, arr[i], comparator, thisArg);
// Merge multiple arrays:
while(next.length > 1) { // While there is still multiple arrays to be merged
min = next.pop();
arr = arrays[min];
i = iter[min]++;
val = arr[i];
if(keepDuplicates || comparator.call(thisArg, lastVal, val) !== 0) {
merged[k++] = val;
lastVal = val;
if(++i < arr.length) { // If available, insert next value in next:
insertNextIndex(next, min, arr[i], comparator, thisArg);
// When there remain only 1 array with unmerged values, use a faster loop:
if(next.length > 0) {
arr = arrays[next[0]];
i = iter[next[0]];
length = arr.length;
while(i < length) { // To the end
val = arr[i++];
if(keepDuplicates || comparator.call(thisArg, lastVal, val) !== 0) {
merged[k++] = val;
lastVal = val;
return merged;
1 次合并消除了需要时间和内存的中间数组的创建。next
此外,通过保留每个数组中下一个元素的排序列表(参见数组),可以很好地减少比较次数。当数组大小已知时,它们会被预先分配以防止动态重新分配(尽管这取决于您的 javascript 引擎)。
mergeSortedArrays(arrays, true, function(a, b) {
return a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1;
. 或者从使用二进制堆为next