解决方案 A
是的,您对解决方案 A 的看法是正确的,互斥锁不会让作业并行执行。
解决方案 B
's variables 块中定义,您会忽略从 ' 返回的多个值dequeue
's body 中,并将 vars 和 end-test 留空。这就是为什么我认为loop
body 包裹到其中,例如
(do nil (nil nil) *loop-body*)
(require :sb-concurrency)
(use-package :sb-concurrency)
(use-package :sb-thread)
(defparameter *kill-yourself* nil)
(defparameter *mutex* (make-mutex))
(defparameter *notify* (make-waitqueue))
#|the queue is thread safe|#
(defparameter *job-queue* (make-queue :name "job-queue"))
(defparameter *timeout* 10)
(defparameter *output-lock* (make-mutex))
(defun output (line)
(with-mutex (*output-lock*)
(write-line line)))
(defun fill-queue (with-data)
(enqueue with-data *job-queue*)
(with-mutex (*mutex*)
(condition-notify *notify*)))
(defun process-job (thread-name job)
(funcall job thread-name))
(defun run-worker (name)
(lambda ()
(output (format nil "starting thread ~a" name))
(loop (with-mutex (*mutex*)
(condition-wait *notify* *mutex* :timeout *timeout*)
(when *kill-yourself*
(output (format nil "~a thread quitting" name))
(return-from-thread nil)))
;; release *mutex* before starting the job,
;; otherwise it won't allow other threads wait for new jobs
;; you don't want to make 2 separate calls (queue-empty-p, dequeue)
;; since inbetween queue can become empty
(multiple-value-bind (job has-job) (dequeue *job-queue*)
(if has-job
(process-job name job)))))
:name name))
(defun stop-work ()
(with-mutex (*mutex*)
(setf *kill-yourself* t)
(condition-broadcast *notify*)))
(defun add-job (job)
;; no need to put enqueue in critical section
(enqueue job *job-queue*)
(with-mutex (*mutex*)
(condition-notify *notify*)))
(defun make-job (n)
(lambda (thread-name)
(loop for i upto 1000 collecting i)
(output (format nil "~a thread executes ~a job" thread-name n))))
(defun try-me ()
(run-worker "worker1")
(run-worker "worker2")
(loop for i upto 1000 do
(add-job (make-job i)))
(loop for i upto 2000 collecting i)
REPL 应该会给你类似下面的输出
starting thread worker1
worker1 thread executes 0 job
worker1 thread executes 1 job
worker1 thread executes 2 job
worker1 thread executes 3 job
starting thread worker2
worker2 thread executes 4 job
worker1 thread executes 5 job
worker2 thread executes 6 job
worker1 thread executes 7 job
worker1 thread executes 8 job
worker2 thread executes 33 job
worker1 thread executes 34 job
worker2 thread executes 35 job
worker1 thread executes 36 job
worker1 thread executes 37 job
worker2 thread executes 38 job
worker1 thread executes 39 job
worker2 thread quitting
worker1 thread quitting
PS 我无法找到旧 SBCL 的文档,所以我将旧 API 的翻译留给你。希望它会有所帮助。
(defclass event-loop ()
:initform (make-mutex))
:initform (make-waitqueue))
:initform (make-queue))
:initform nil)
:initarg :wait-timeout
:initform 0)
:initarg :process-job
:initform #'identity)
:initarg :worker-count
:initform (error "Must supply worker count"))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((eloop event-loop) &key)
(with-slots (worker-count timeout lock queue jobs process-job stopped) eloop
(dotimes (i worker-count)
(lambda ()
(loop (with-mutex (lock)
(condition-wait queue lock :timeout timeout)
(when stopped
(return-from-thread nil)))
;; release *mutex* before starting the job,
;; otherwise it won't allow other threads wait for new jobs
;; you don't want to make 2 separate calls (queue-empty-p, dequeue)
;; since inbetween queue can become empty
(multiple-value-bind (job has-job) (dequeue jobs)
(if has-job
(funcall process-job job)))))))))
(defun push-job (job event-loop )
(with-slots (lock queue jobs) event-loop
(enqueue job jobs)
(with-mutex (lock)
(condition-notify queue))))
(defun stop-loop (event-loop)
(with-slots (lock queue stopped) event-loop
(with-mutex (lock)
(setf stopped t)
(condition-broadcast queue))))
> (defparameter *el* (make-instance 'event-loop :worker-count 10 :process-job #'funcall))
> (defparameter *oq* (make-queue))
> (dotimes (i 100)
(push-job (let ((n i)) (lambda ()
(sleep 1)
(enqueue (format nil "~a job done" n) *oq*))) *el*))
在您的 REPL 中进行检查。
> *oq*
:HEAD (SB-CONCURRENCY::.DUMMY. "7 job done" "1 job done" "9 job done"
"6 job done" "2 job done" "11 job done" "10 job done" "16 job done"
"12 job done" "4 job done" "3 job done" "17 job done" "5 job done"
"0 job done" "8 job done" "14 job done" "25 job done" "15 job done"
"21 job done" "28 job done" "13 job done" "23 job done" "22 job done"
"19 job done" "27 job done" "18 job done")
:TAIL ("18 job done")