Using Full Contact API, but they have a rate limit of 300calls/minute. I currently have it to set that it does an API call when uploading the CSV file of emails. I want to queue it such that once it hits the rate limit or does 300 calls, it waits for 1 minute and proceeds. Then I will put delayed_job on it. How can I do that? A quick fix is to use
sleep 60
but how do I find it such that it made 300 calls already, make it sleep or queue it for next set?
def self.import(file)
CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true) do |row|
hashy = row.to_hash
email = hashy["email"]
Contact.create!(email: email, contact_hash: FullContact.person(email: email).to_json)
rescue FullContact::NotFound
Contact.create!(email: email, contact_hash: "Not Found")