I have a spreadsheet with a variable number of pictures (icons) in each cell (from 1 to 5), each picture with its own hyperlink. For each cell I need to identify how many pictures there are in it, and then fill in next to the cell, the HyperLink names/addresses.

The most important part I need to solve is how to identify and access all the pictures in any given cell. Getting the hyperlink address should be easy then.

I could turn the problem on its head if it would make it easier to solve and loop through every picture and return its location - if that is possible.


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假设TopLeft corner形状也是形状单元格位置的参考点......


Sub qSolution()

    Dim SHP As Shape
    Dim rowSHP As Long
    Dim colSHP As Long

    For Each SHP In ActiveSheet.Shapes
        rowSHP = SHP.TopLeftCell.Row
        colSHP = SHP.TopLeftCell.Column

        If Cells(rowSHP, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft) <= colSHP Then
            Cells(rowSHP, colSHP + 1) = SHP.Hyperlink.Address
            Cells(rowSHP, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1) = _
        End If

End Sub
于 2013-09-08T21:58:17.967 回答