I am Trying to order a DF by date.time (POSIXct object) with the most recent date.time first
i.e. in reverse
df1<-structure(list(date.time = structure(c(1368066412, 1365895151,
1365969188, 1366105495, 1367433149, 1367604510, 1367614808, 1367619743,
1368005216, 1368011698, 1366244224, 1366414926, 1367513240, 1367624274,
1367640074), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = ""), station = c("M1",
"F1", "F3", "F4", "F5", "L1", "L2", "L4", "L5", "L7", "F1", "F3",
"F4", "L2", "L4"), code = c(10184, 10888, 10888, 10888, 10888,
10888, 10888, 10888, 10888, 10888, 10889, 10889, 10889, 10889,
10889)), .Names = c("date.time", "station", "code"), row.names = c(NA,
15L), class = "data.frame")
initial ordering:
df1[with(df1, order(code, date.time)), ]
This works fine however what i want is for the ordering of date.time section to be in reverse, with the most recent date.time stamp being ordered first.
Failed attempts:
df1[with(df1, order(code, -date.time)), ]
negative value does not work with a POSIXct object
df1[with(df1, order(code, rev(date.time))), ]
orders the DF in a weird way and not as desired
Any help would be great!