One of my client's website, i coded so that user's of his page can post from his website using Graph Api.Posting is done this way -

FB.login(function(response) {
   if (response.status=='connected') {
     if (response.authResponse.accessToken) 
        var token = response.authResponse.accessToken;      
        FB.api('/'+jQuery("#input_id_storing_pageid").val()+'/feed?access_token='+token+'&message='+jQuery("#message_input_box").val(), 'POST', function(response)                            {
          if (!response || response.error) {                 
              alert('Error: You are not allowed to post '+ response.error.message);     
          } else { /*do other tasks */ }
     } else { /* show alert messages */ }
 } else { /* show alert messages */ }
}, {scope:'publish_stream' }); 

It was posting well before but now page admin can't post, getting error-

"(#283) Requires extended permission: manage_pages OAuthException".

Any non-admin user posting going well, but not by some page admin users who have manager role for the page. I tested using graph api explorer but same error I am getting.

Fyi the application by which posting done by graph api has October 2013 migration enabled, but I don't think it has this new requirement that page admin need to have manage_pages permission as well as publish_stream permission to post to page wall, cause I asked client to disable that setting for testing. So where went wrong?


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