我首先要说我对这个地方和编程很陌生,而且,我只编程了两三天!好吧,我正在开发一个程序,它基本上从用户那里获取信息并打印出用户需要的 28 字节十六进制代码。解释起来很复杂:P 无论如何,我遇到了一个问题,因为我是新手,不知道如何解决。看,我基本上想告诉我的程序“嘿,将 textBox1 中的值转换为十六进制等效值,但是,如果十六进制等效值是 3 字节值,则在它前面添加一个“0”并交换更改字节序”我已经弄清楚了所有这些,转换为十六进制,3字节的东西,但是,我什至不知道从哪里开始的字节序部分。我试过搜索,但我真的没有



namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
    int chInt;
    string a1;
    string a2;
    string a3;
    string a4;
    string numAttire;
    string chHex;
    Form2 helpCH = new Form2();
    int check;
    public Form1()

    private void buttonCHNumberHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    private void textBoxCHNumber_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (textBoxCHNumber.Text == "00" || textBoxCHNumber.Text == "")
            textBoxAttireNumber.Enabled = false;
            textBoxAttireNumber.Enabled = false;

        if (textBoxCHNumber.Text.Length >= 3)
            textBoxAttireNumber.Enabled = true;


    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        chInt = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxCHNumber.Text);
        chHex = chInt.ToString("X");
        numAttire = textBoxAttireNumber.Text; //The numAttire is assigned the value currently in textBoxAttireNumber.Text;
        a1 = "09"; //The variable a1 will always be "09" as that is best for the first attire.;
        a2 = textBoxA2.Text; // The contents of textBoxA2 are equal to this variable;
        a3 = textBoxA3.Text; // The contents of textBoxA3 are equal to this variable;
        a4 = textBoxA4.Text; // The contents of textBoxA4 are equal to this variable;

        check = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxAttireNumber.Text);
        bool condition = check > 4; //A local boolean is set up, it's named condition and checks if the variable 'check' is bigger than 4;

        if (condition) //If it is, the Output text box will display "You can only have upto 4 attires";
            textBoxOutput.Text = "You can only have upto 4 attires";

        else //If the statement happens to be false, ie, check IS UNDER 4, the Output text box will display the values:;
            textBoxOutput.Text = chHex + " 00 00 00 0" +numAttire + " 00 00 00 " +a1+ " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a2 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a3 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a4 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF";

            int chlimit = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxCHNumber.Text);
            bool chlimitbool = chlimit < 100 || chlimit > 343;
            if (chlimitbool) 
                textBoxOutput.Text = "There are no ch slot numbers for values lower than 100 or higher than 343";

            if (textBoxA1.Text == textBoxA2.Text || textBoxA1.Text == textBoxA3.Text || textBoxA1.Text == textBoxA4.Text || textBoxA2.Text == textBoxA3.Text || textBoxA2.Text == textBoxA4.Text || textBoxA3.Text == textBoxA4.Text)  //If the contents of textBoxA1 are the same as the contents of textBoxA2, A3, or A4 then print out "Two attire ID slots may not share the same ID";
                textBoxOutput.Text = "Two attire ID slots may not share the same ID";

            if (textBoxA2.Text.Length >= 4) 
                textBoxOutput.Text = chHex + " 00 00 00 0" + numAttire + " 00 00 00 " + a1 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a2 + " 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a3 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a4 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF";

            if (textBoxA3.Text.Length >= 4) 
                textBoxOutput.Text = chHex + " 00 00 00 0" + numAttire + " 00 00 00 " + a1 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a2 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a3 + " 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a4 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF";

            if (textBoxA4.Text.Length >= 4) 
                textBoxOutput.Text = chHex + " 00 00 00 0" + numAttire + " 00 00 00 " + a1 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a2 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a3 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a4 + " 00 00 FF FF FF FF";

            if (textBoxA3.Text == "00" && textBoxA2.Text.Length >= 4)
                textBoxOutput.Text = chHex + " 00 00 00 0" + numAttire + " 00 00 00 " + a1 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a2 + " 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00";

            if (textBoxA3.Text == "00" && textBoxA2.Text.Length >= 2)
                textBoxOutput.Text = chHex + " 00 00 00 0" + numAttire + " 00 00 00 " + a1 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a2 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00";

            int fourBytetoHex = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxCHNumber.Text);
            string fourByte = fourBytetoHex.ToString("X");
            if (fourByte.Length == 3)
                fourByte = "0" + fourByte;
                textBoxOutput.Text = fourByte + " 00 00 0" + numAttire + " 00 00 00 " + a1 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF " + a2 + " 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00";



    private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (textBoxAttireNumber.Text == "2")
            textBoxA2.Enabled = true;
            textBoxA3.Enabled = false;
            textBoxA4.Enabled = false;
            textBoxA2.Enabled = false;

        if (textBoxAttireNumber.Text == "3")
            textBoxA2.Enabled = true;
            textBoxA3.Enabled = true;
            textBoxA4.Enabled = false;
            textBoxA3.Enabled = false;

        if (textBoxAttireNumber.Text == "4")
            textBoxA2.Enabled = true;
            textBoxA3.Enabled = true;
            textBoxA4.Enabled = true;

            textBoxA4.Enabled = false;


    private void textBoxA2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


    private void buttonWarning_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MessageBox.Show("Credits:\nCredit goes to BrienJ, Tekken57, NikeTheBike, and UndertakerWLF, people who I'm proud to call frieds, they really encouraged and helped me out when I said I wanted to start programming. Especially Tekken, who helped me out with figuring out hex conversion as well.\n\nThis is the first program I've ever made 100% using my knowledge and google, no tutorials, just my basic understanding of C#. So if you find bugs, please forgive me, I'm only a beginner :)");

    private void textBoxA3_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        textBoxAttireNumber.Enabled = false;
        textBoxA1.Enabled = false;
        textBoxA2.Enabled = false;
        textBoxA3.Enabled = false;
        textBoxA4.Enabled = false;



1 回答 1



对于你的问题。如果你有一个整数num,如果 num 小于或等于 4095,那么你需要在开头添加“0”,如果 num 小于或等于 255,那么你需要添加“00”,如果它小于或等于 15 然后加上“000”。使用代码:

if(num <= 15)
   textBox1.Text = "0";
   if(num <= 255)
      textBox1.Text = "00";
      if(num <= 4095)
         textBox1.Text = "000";

textBox1.Text += num;


textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text.Substring(2) + textBox1.Text.Substring(0,2);
于 2013-09-08T05:45:01.193 回答