我正在制作infix evaluator
我试图找到最有效的方法来确定给定的字符串是否以一个或多个字母开头并以一个或多个数字结尾。抓住的是alphabetical characaters must come before the numerical values
到目前为止,我已经研究了诸如 String 、 和函数之类Any
。我只是觉得有太多的可能性可以将其简化为一个简短的 lambda 表达式或单行。事实上,由于我们不一定能保证任何类型的输入,因此似乎必须检查所有 N 个字符以确保满足这些条件。
public static string[] parseString(String infixExp)
/* In a legal expression, the only possible tokens are (, ),
* +, -, *, /, non-negative integers, and strings that begin
* with one or more letters and end with one or more digits.
// Ignore all whitespace within the expression.
infixExp = Regex.Replace(infixExp, @"\s+", String.Empty);
// Seperate the expression based on the tokens (, ), +, -,
// *, /, and ignore any of the empty Strings that are added
// due to duplicates.
string[] substrings = Regex.Split(infixExp, @"([()+*/-])").Where(s => s != String.Empty).ToArray();
// Return the resulting substrings array such that it
// can be processed by the Evaluate function.
return substrings;