Newbie in programming and need something like this but it doesn't stop the while condition even after entering a string starting with '0x', and it keeps calling the function.I tired putting 'break' instead of increasing i value, still didn't work. Any one knows why?

i = 1
while i < 2:
    if hx =='0x':

2 回答 2


The above code will run into an infinite loop only when the while condition

while i < 2:

always turns out to be true. This will happen when the code section that is changing the value of i, i.e.


is never executed. This will happen when the if condition

if hx =='0x':

always turns out to be false.

So check why

if hx =='0x':

is always evaluated to false. This should fix the problem.

于 2013-09-07T20:42:01.563 回答

With if hx =='0x', you are checking if hx equals "0x", not if it starts with it. You need to find a 'substring'. Check this question: Examples for string find in Python

Because of this, i is never incremented and therefore the loop will continue indefinitely.

于 2013-09-07T20:40:46.153 回答