我正在尝试新 Xcode 5 的快速查看功能,以便能够在调试窗格中查看我的图像,但我收到此消息,我的图像无法使用快速查看进行预览,它显示“无法加载快速查看数据对于“图像”,其中“图像”是我的变量的名称。
这是因为图像的大小而发生的,还是有其他需要考虑的事情?我的图像大小有点像(宽度= 2448,高度= 1224)
For only debug purposes when I definitely need the image (and can't normally quick look at it) I'm able to see it using following pattern:
CGImageRef imageRef = image.CGImage;
CGImageRelease(imageRef); // put breakpoint here
Then i need to quick look at imageRef. Do not forget to remove this line of code when you catch the bug as it eats device resources and is spare :)
BTW: Tommie's solution didn't work for me.
(例如) cell.imageView.image
这是对我有用的@Vive 解决方案的一个小修改,不需要释放图像。
// create volatile variable so compiler doesn't optimize it out
volatile CGImageRef dbgRef = image.CGImage;
// silence unused warning