我希望当我右键单击启动器...图标..并选择退出..并选择文件退出时发生这种情况。我希望在 emacs 退出之前运行此命令..所以当我右键单击启动器图标并选择退出然后运行此命令“wg-update-workgroup”然后 Emacs 退出..我已经尝试了解钩子,但不知道如何添加一个....如果有人能给我我放入初始化文件的确切代码,我将非常感激....尝试将函数绑定到一个键,但得到奇怪的命令 p 错误。
2 回答
Here's the code:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
(lambda ()
It seems that the code isn't working for you since wg-update-workgroup
needs an argument.
You have to test this yourself, since I don't really want to get familiar with the package.
Solution 1:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
(lambda ()
Solution 2:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
(lambda ()
(call-interactively 'wg-update-workgroup)))
UPD: disregard everything from above:)
I'm pretty sure this is what you want:
(setq wg-query-for-save-on-emacs-exit nil)
(push (lambda()(or (ignore-errors
(wg-update-all-workgroups-and-save)) t))
The first statement removes the extremely annoying y/n query about saving workgroups on exit. The second statement saves everything unconditionally on exit.
Just to list my full configuration:
(require 'workgroups)
(workgroups-mode 1)
(setq wg-query-for-save-on-emacs-exit nil)
(wg-load "~/wg")
(push (lambda()(or (ignore-errors
(wg-update-all-workgroups-and-save)) t))
你感到困惑是对的。问题是这样的:当 Emacs 开始退出时,workgroups.el 会在 'kill-emacs-hook. 你想要的是这样的:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions 'wg-update-all-workgroups)
(wg-update-all-workgroups wg-emacs-exit-query)
我建议使用 'wg-update-all-workgroups 而不是 'wg-update-workgroup 如果像我一样,您在给定的工作组文件中保存了多个工作组。
IMO workgroups.el 是最好的 Emacs 会话管理器。刚刚有人接管了它。我很高兴可能即将推出具有更多功能的新版本: