For a project in C++ (I'm relatively new to this language) I want to create a structure which stores a given word and a count for multiple classes. E.g.:
struct Word
string word;
int usaCount = 0;
int canadaCount = 0;
int germanyCount = 0;
int ukCount = 0;
In this example I used 4 classes of countries. In fact there are hundreds of country classes.
My questions regarding this are the following:
- Is there any way to generate this list of countries dynamically? (E.g. there is a file of countries which is read and on that basis this struct is generated)
- Fitting for this struct should be a function which increments the count if the class is seen. Is there also a way to make this "dynamic" by which I mean that I want to avoid one function per class (e.G.: incUsa(), incCanada(), incGermany() etc.)
- Since I'm not really used to C++: Is this even the ideomatic approach to it? Perhaps there's a better data structructure or an alternative (and more fitting) way to result the problem.
Thanks in advance.