我在 Windows Vista 上注册了自定义协议“xyz”:
HKEY\_CLASSES\_ROOT\xyz = "URL:Extensions Protocol"
打开“控制面板 -> 程序 -> 默认程序 -> 设置关联”,将列表滚动到最后。这是协议列表。我想查看与我的应用程序关联的自定义协议。
我在 Windows Vista 上注册了自定义协议“xyz”:
HKEY\_CLASSES\_ROOT\xyz = "URL:Extensions Protocol"
打开“控制面板 -> 程序 -> 默认程序 -> 设置关联”,将列表滚动到最后。这是协议列表。我想查看与我的应用程序关联的自定义协议。
If you can't find the extension you are looking for in the Set Associations
, then first open Command
prompt and type
assoc .abc=
where .abc is the extension you want to associate. This will add the extension (in this example .abc) to the list of extensions in Set Associations. Then choose the program you want to use for opening files of that type in Set Associations. I haven't tested myself if this works for protocols as well but I don't see any reasons why it wouldn't.