我有一系列三个一组的单选按钮(针对测验的每个步骤)。如果选择的单选按钮是“视频”,我想显示“videoCreator”div。如果是“excel”、“excelCreator” div 等。这些 div 只是单选按钮下方的附加表单项,允许用户输入更多信息。
我的问题是下面的咖啡脚本可以工作,除了它改变了所有的无线电形式。例如,假设第 1 步是视频,视频 div 显示。如果我将第 2 步更改为 excel 单选按钮,则 excel div 会显示所有步骤(单选表单),包括第一个应该保留视频的步骤。我想我需要创建一个变量,但我不确定。任何帮助,将不胜感激。
$(".stepRadio").change ->
if @value is "video" and @checked
else if @value is "excel" and @checked
else if @value is "multiple_choice" and @checked
<%= f.label :media_type, "Excel" %>
<%= f.radio_button :media_type, 'excel', :checked => true, class: 'icheck stepRadio' %>
<%= f.label :media_type, "Video" %>
<%= f.radio_button :media_type, 'video', class: 'icheck stepRadio' %>
<%= f.label :media_type, "Multiple Choice" %>
<%= f.radio_button :media_type, 'multiple_choice', class: 'icheck stepRadio' %>
<div class="excelCreator">
<%= f.label :link, "Excel Link" %>
<%= f.text_field :link, :style => "width: 98%;" %>
<%= f.label :answer, "Excel Answer (#)" %>
<%= f.text_field :answer, :style => "width: 98%;" %>
<div class="videoCreator">
<%= f.label :link, "Video Link" %>
<%= f.text_field :link, :style => "width: 98%;" %>
<div class="mcCreator">
<%= f.label :choice_one, "Choice One" %>
<%= f.text_field :choice_one, :style => "width: 98%;" %>
<%= f.label :choice_two, "Choice Two" %>
<%= f.text_field :choice_two, :style => "width: 98%;" %>
<%= f.label :choice_three, "Choice Three" %>
<%= f.text_field :choice_three, :style => "width: 98%;" %>
<%= f.label :choice_four, "Choice Four" %>
<%= f.text_field :choice_four, :style => "width: 98%;" %>
<%= f.label :answer, "MC Answer (#)" %>
<%= f.text_field :answer, :style => "width: 98%;" %>
这是为表单字段之一输出的 html 示例
<label for="course_levels_attributes_0_steps_attributes_0_media_type">Excel</label>
<input checked="checked" class="icheck stepRadio" id="course_levels_attributes_0_steps_attributes_0_media_type_excel" name="course[levels_attributes][0][steps_attributes][0][media_type]" type="radio" value="excel" />