feat-123我注意到当我在一个只有几个提交的分支(我们称之为)上时,显示了我从( )git log分支的分支的整个历史。develop有没有办法只显示日志的feat-123创建点?


3 回答 3


如果您知道它feat-123是从 分支出来的develop,则可以使用双点..语法将输出限制为仅那些不在 中git log的提交:feat-123develop

git log --oneline --graph develop..feat-123


  1. 修订选择 -来自**免费在线 Pro Git 书籍的提交范围。
  2. Git Revisions -官方 Linux Kernel Git 文档中指定范围。
于 2013-09-06T21:56:12.220 回答

There's no shorthand for "find any point where history rejoins", so you have to use something like what Cupcake and D4NI3LS suggested: explicitly stop logging at-or-before such a point.

There is, however, a way to automate this. It can be encapsulated in a "one line" shell script:

git log HEAD --not $(
    git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/ |
    grep -v "^$(git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)$"
) "$@"

How this works:

  • The innermost bit, git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD, prints the current branch name, or nothing at all if you are not on a branch ("detached HEAD" state).
  • We turn this into a grep pattern by adding ^ (anchor at start-of-line) and $ (anchor at end).
  • We use that to remove the current branch (if any) from git for-each-ref output.
  • The for-each-ref output is the short refname for every branch, i.e., every ref in refs/heads/. Thus, if your complete set of branch names are, for instance, monty, python, flying, and circus and you're on branch flying, this lists monty, python, and circus.
  • Finally, we give all of this to --not, after asking git log to start at HEAD. The log command uses git rev-list to start from wherever you ask it, and keep going backwards until something (in this case, the --not list) makes it stop. And of course we add "$@" so that any other command-line arguments are included.

Since it's a one liner, it can be embedded in ~/.gitconfig, as an alias:

        ltf = !git log HEAD --not $(git for-each-ref \
                --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads | \
                grep -v "^$(git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)$")

and now git ltf, git ltf --oneline, etc., all do the trick. (I don't know if I like the name ltf, it stands for "log to fork" but this is more of a "log to join". Maybe lbr for "log branch"?)

于 2013-09-07T02:11:28.703 回答

要查看哪些提交在一个分支上但不在另一个分支上的列表,请使用 git log:

   git log oldbranch ^newbranch --no-merges



   git log oldbranch1 oldbranch2 ^newbranch1 ^newbranch2 --no-merges
于 2013-09-06T22:03:24.140 回答