I have been reading through the Wordpress Source, trying to get a better understanding of how dynamic sidebars are rendered.

However, I am hitting a sticking point...

894 | do_action( 'dynamic_sidebar', $wp_registered_widgets[$id] );

I can't find where add_action('dynamic_sidebar', ... ) is defined. Without that part, I am sort of lost in what happens.

See the code here:





1 回答 1


好吧,该特定行允许您访问每个已注册的 Widget 属性,它的用法如下:

/* Plugin Name: Test registered widgets */

add_action( 'dynamic_sidebar', 'sidebar_widgets_so_18666065' );

 * As this is an action hook, we don't return nothing
 * use the passed values to do your stuff
function sidebar_widgets_so_18666065( $registered_widget )
    # Each registered widget passes the following array
    $registered_widget = Array
        [name] => Meta
        [id] => meta-2
        [callback] => Array
                [0] => WP_Widget_Meta Object
                        [id_base] => meta
                        [name] => Meta
                        [widget_options] => Array
                                [classname] => widget_meta
                                [description] => Log in/out, admin, feed and WordPress links

                        [control_options] => Array
                                [id_base] => meta

                        [number] => 2
                        [id] => meta-2
                        [updated] => 
                        [option_name] => widget_meta

                [1] => display_callback

        [params] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [number] => 2


        [classname] => widget_meta
        [description] => Log in/out, admin, feed and WordPress links

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于 2013-09-06T20:37:57.737 回答