有没有更有效的方法来编写这个 SQL 查询?
它在大约 45 秒内从一组 100,000 行中返回大约 800 行。
我正在使用 Sql Server 2008 R2
Select a.Div as Division
,a.Room as RoomLocation
,a.Form as Forms
,a.Nums as TotalNumberLocations
From AView a
Where a.Id = '1'
And a.Div = 'A'
Group By a.Div, a.Nums, a.Room, a.Form
Select b.Div as Division
,b.Room as RoomLocation
,b.Form as Forms
,b.Nums as TotalNumberLocations
From AView b
Where b.Id = '1'
And b.Div = 'G'
Group By b.Div, b.Nums, b.Room, b.Form
Select c.Div as Division
,c.Room as RoomLocation
,c.Form as Forms
,c.Nums as TotalNumberLocations
From AView c
Where c.Id = '1'
And c.Div = 'R'
Group By c.Div, c.Nums, c.Room, c.Form
Order By Forms asc, TotalNumberLocations asc