I have couple of files needed to be parsed here, called parse.sh. I have to enable optional arguments for it with -l for line, -f for field. So to run the program would be ./parse.sh -l 5 -f 14 foo. Without -l or -f arguments, I want the program to default parse all lines and all fields. If -l is specified, I want it to parse just that line of foo, and further if -f is specified too, I want it to parse just that field. I see getopts usually work like this:
while getopts "l:f:" opts; do
case $opts in
l) #code to parse that line;;
f) #code to parse that field;;
BUT this is not what I need, because I want -l and -f work together sometimes. I am thinking maybe I should do getopts to parse all options into array, then write code based on parsing that array? Any better choices?
This is my code:
while getopts "l:f:" opt;
case $opt in
l) lineNumber=$OPTARG ;;
f) fieldNumber=$OPTARG ;;
case $options in
f) echo "Parse field $fieldNumber of each line" ;;
l) echo "Parse all fields of line number $lineNumber" ;;
lf | fl) echo "Parse field $fieldNumber of line $lineNumber" ;;
*) echo "Parse all fields of all lines" ;;