我已经安装了 glassfish 4,它运行良好,但几分钟前我尝试执行updatetool,但出现此错误:

./updatetool: 283: ./updatetool: /home/mazzy/glassfish4/updatetool/bin/../../pkg/python2.4-minimal/bin/python: not found
There was an error running


You are running on a 64 bit Linux distribution and the 32 bit Linux
compatibility libraries do not appear to be installed. In order to use
the Update Center tools you must install the 32 bit compatibility libraries.

On Ubuntu (and possibly other Debian based systems) please install the
ia32-libs package. On RedHat 4 (and other RPM based systems), you may
need to add multiple 'compat' runtime library packages. Please see the
Update Center Release Notes for more information

我的系统是 Debian 7.1.0 Wheezy 64 位。



这是我为 i386 架构安装 ia32-libs 后遇到的下一个错误:

GlassFish Update Tool does not support running in "it_IT.utf" locale.
Attempting to use English locale.
WX import error.  Verify the WX widgets are in the PYTHONPATH.
The following can be reported to GlassFish Update Tool 2.3.5 Development Team <dev@updatecenter.java.net>.

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/home/mazzy/glassfish4/updatetool/vendor-packages/updatetool/common/boot.py", line 283, in init_app_locale
    import wx
  File "wx/__init__.py", line 45, in ?
  File "wx/_core.py", line 4, in ?
 ImportError: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: impossibile aprire il file oggetto condiviso: File o directory non esistente

3 回答 3


我刚刚写了一篇关于在 glassfish 4 上安装更新工具的参考, https: //stackoverflow.com/questions/21060532/how-to-install-updatetool-on-glassfish-4-64bit-reference 我还没有遇到问题使用您提到的库(而不是其他一些库),请随意完成。

于 2014-01-11T09:25:32.943 回答

在 Debian 7 中,您需要向 dpkg 指明能够安装 32 位库的附加架构。利用:

dpkg --add-architecture i386

然后更新存储库缓存并安装指示 i386 架构的所需包。

aptitude update

aptitude install libgtk2.0-0:i386


于 2014-06-17T17:03:12.200 回答

我有: Linux 版本 3.10-2-amd64 (debian-kernel@lists.debian.org) (gcc 版本 4.7.3 (Debian 4.7.3-6)) #1 SMP Debian 3.10.5-1 (2013-08- 07)

而且我无法更新与“i386”相关的任何库,因为它是一个测试源,但是!我的 Windows 上有 Glassfish(非常更新),所以我在 Debian 上停止域并复制/粘贴整个文件夹 /modules 并完成!

于 2017-02-14T11:11:12.747 回答