是这样的,对于短语“good this sweetplum”:
'o' 000, '' 001, 't' 0100, 'r' 0101, 'p' 0110, 'm' 0111, 'l' 1000, 'i' 1001, 'h' 1010, 'd' 1011, 'a'1100, 'u' 1101, 'g' 1110, 's' 1111
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
TipoSentinela *sentinela;
TipoLista *no = NULL;
Arv *arvore, *arvore2, *arvore3;
int *repete = (int *) calloc (256, sizeof(int));
if(argc == 2)
in = load_base(argv[1]);
le_dados_arquivo (repete); //read the frequencies from the file
sentinela = cria_lista (); //create a marker for the tree node list
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
if(repete[i] > 0 && i != 0)
arvore = arv_cria (Cria_info (i, repete[i])); //create a tree node with the character i and the frequence of it in the file
no = inicia_lista (arvore, no, sentinela); //create the list of tree nodes
Ordena (sentinela); //sort the tree nodes list by the frequencies
for(Seta_primeiro(sentinela); Tamanho_lista(sentinela) != 1; Move_marcador(sentinela))
Seta_primeiro(sentinela); //put the marker in the first element of the list
no = Retorna_marcador(sentinela);
arvore2 = Retorna_arvore (no); //return the tree represented by the list marker
Move_marcador(sentinela); //put the marker to the next element
arvore3 = Retorna_arvore (Retorna_marcador (sentinela)); //return the tree represented by the list marker
arvore = Cria_pai (arvore2, arvore3); //create a tree node that will contain the both arvore2 and arvore3
Insere_arvoreFinal (sentinela, arvore); //insert the node at the end of the list
Remove_arvore (sentinela); //remove the node arvore2 from the list
Remove_arvore (sentinela); //remove the node arvore3 from the lsit
Ordena (sentinela); //sort the list again
out = load_out(argv[1]); //open the output file
Codificacao (arvore); //generate the code from each node of the tree
char c;
c = fgetc(in);
if(c != EOF)
arvore2 = Procura_info (arvore, c); //search the character c in the tree
if(arvore2 != NULL)
imprimebit(Retorna_codigo(arvore2), out); //write the code in the file
arvore = arv_libera (arvore);
return 0;
//bit_counter and cur_byte are global variables
void write_bit (unsigned char bit, FILE *f)
static k = 0;
if(k != 0)
if(++bit_counter == 8)
bit_counter = 0;
cur_byte = 0;
k = 1;
cur_byte <<= 1;
cur_byte |= ('0' != bit);
//aux is the code of a character in the tree
void imprimebit(char *aux, FILE *f)
int i, j;
if(aux == NULL)
for(i = 0; i < strlen(aux); i++)
write_bit(aux[i], f); //write the bits of the code in the file