为确保警报每隔一天响起,您需要在应用程序中添加一个后台代理。在代理中有一个 OnInvoke 方法。在此方法中,您将检查是否安排了警报。如果是,那么你无事可做。如果不是,则将其安排在第二天。代理大约每 30 分钟触发一次,因此 99% 的代理触发时间,警报/提醒已经安排好了。
这是放置在 OnInvoke 方法中的代码
string fileTitle = "Foo";
string fileContent = "Bar";
var action = ScheduledActionService.Find(fileTitle);
if (action == null)
// shouldn't be null if it was already added from the app itself.
// should get the date the user actually wants the alarm to go off.
DateTime date = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30);
action = new Reminder(fileTitle) { Title = fileTitle, Content = fileContent, BeginTime = date };
else if (action.IsScheduled == false)
// most likely fired today, add two days to the begin time.
// best to also add some logic if BeginTime.Date == Today
action.BeginTime = action.BeginTime.AddDays(2);