我使用唯一的名称“statusLabel”使用 Qt Creator 创建了一个标签。


//Function to set the text in the status bar.
void AutoFish::updatelabel(QString str)


C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\AutoFish\autofish.cpp:24: error: C2227: left of '->statusLabel' must point to class/struct/union/generic type

我不确定我做错了什么,我只是想使用该功能更新标签文本。我应该使用标签以外的东西吗?我一直在研究插槽以创建一个事件来更新标签,但我发现的大多数插槽示例都涉及一个 pushButton 作为事件开始,这不是我所需要的。


编辑:根据要求,这是我所有的源代码(不是很大): http: //pastebin.com/CfQXdzBK


1 回答 1




static void AutoFish::updatelabel(QString str);

void updatelabel(QString str);


There is no need for static keyword, because you want to set label for the specific instance of the window. Also, there is no need for AutoFish:: as you are declaring a method inside class declaration (however, you do need it in your cpp file).

As per the second error - inside your getWindow function, you need to have a instance of the AutoFish object in order to call updateLabel. So, either change your getWindow definition to:

HWND getWindow(AutoFish *af, LPCSTR processName)
   HWND hwnd = FindWindowA(0, processName);
    if(!hwnd) {
        std::cout << "Error: Cannot find window!" << std::endl;
        af->updatelabel("Error: Cannot find window.");
    else {
        std::cout << "Seccess! Window found!" << std::endl;
        af->updatelabel("Seccess! Window Found!");
    return hwnd;

and call it like this:

HWND window = getWindow(this, "FFXIVLauncher");

or make getWindow member of AutoFish class:

class AutoFish : public QMainWindow
   // ...
   HWND getWindow(LPCSTR processName);
   // ...

HWND AutoFish::getWindow(LPCSTR processName) {
    HWND hwnd = FindWindowA(0, processName);
    if(!hwnd) {
        std::cout << "Error: Cannot find window!" << std::endl;
        updatelabel("Error: Cannot find window.");
    else {
        std::cout << "Seccess! Window found!" << std::endl;
        updatelabel("Seccess! Window Found!");
    return hwnd;

and this pointer will be implicitely passed to the getWindow.

于 2013-09-06T13:25:29.847 回答