这是一个 Java / Android 函数:

public static byte[] serialize(MyClass myObject) {

    int byteArraySizeNeeded = getByteArraySizeNeededForSerialize(myObject);

    byte[] result = new byte[byteArraySizeNeeded];
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(result);
    bb.putShort((short) (byteArraySizeNeeded-2));// 2 - not need to read at deserialisation!

    bb.putLong(myObject.getProperty1ValueWhichIsALong());// 8
    bb.putDouble(myObject.getProperty2ValueWhichIsADouble());// 8
    bb.put(CODE_MYCODE1); // code

// there are a lot of properties and the list is dynamic: some need to be saved some not: eg if property 10 exists than not needed to save property 11 and property 25 is saved only if not null and so on.

    int curPosition = bb.position();
    int offset = 2; // skip the first 2 bytes representing the size of byte buffer needed to allocate.
    int byteCount = curPosition - offset;

    myObject.crc.update(result, offset, byteCount);
    long crcValue = myObject.crc.getValue();

    bb.put(CODE_CRC); // code
    bb.putLong(crcValue);// only distinct data values

    return result;

我也想在 iOS 上做。或者我错过或找不到要使用的低级数据结构/类。


NSArchiver就像一个 ObjectOutputStream。

存档和序列化编程指南 找不到任何不需要放置密钥的方法,例如 encodeBytes:length:forKey:


是否有任何实用程序类具有 putLong() putFloat() putInt() 并正确创建 char 或 byte 数组?


1 回答 1


我发现了同样的问题,这个答案就是基于它。您可以使用NSOutputStream轻松创建实现与 ByteBuffer 相同接口的类。像这样的东西:

- (NSOutputStream*)outputStream {
    if (_outputStream == nil) {
        _outputStream = [[NSOutputStream alloc] initToMemory];
        [_outputStream open];
    return _outputStream;

- (void)putInt:(NSInteger)value {
    [self.outputStream write:(uint8_t*)&value maxLength:sizeof(NSInteger)];

- (NSData*)data {
    return [self.outputStream propertyForKey:NSStreamDataWrittenToMemoryStreamKey];
于 2013-09-06T13:20:47.400 回答