嗨,我需要一些帮助。我有 3 张桌子
product_id //eg 1
product_name //eg apple imac
description // mplah mplah
category_id // 3 - desktops
feature_id // 1
feature_name // processor
category_id // takes the parent-category eg computers with id = 1
and a pivot table **product_features** that should have something like this
product_id // 1
feature_id // 1
feature_value // intel i5
每个表还代表一个模型(所以我有一个 product_model、feature_model 和一个 product_feature_model——我还不确定是否需要它——)
所以我应该得到类似 苹果 imac -处理器-英特尔 i5, 尼康-变焦- 12Mpx
这是我在 phpmyadmin 中测试过的查询
SELECT `features`.*, `product_features`.`value`
FROM (`features`)
LEFT JOIN `product_features` ON `features`.`feature_id`=`product_features`.`feature_id`
WHERE `features`.`category_id` = 1
WHERE `product`.`product_id` = 1 // without this, it returns feature_id, feature_name, category_id and feature_value collumns, but I also want to specify from wich product