I am new to android phonegap, and am trying to integrate social media login to my android app.

But I cannot find any proper understandable docs for facebook or twitter login to android app. I have tried to use the facebook-connect and twitter plugin posted in github, but I can't understand how to use this the steps mentioned in the read me file is confusing as it gives only a vague idea, most if the code is deprecated in android.

Someone please help me P.S : I am using phonegap 2.9.0


1 回答 1


嗨,一个示例项目facebook-connect是否有 icenium...尝试调查一下..

http://www.icenium.com/ .. 创建一个帐户,在其示例项目中,您将能够获得完整的代码facebook-connect

于 2013-09-06T06:48:28.103 回答