我曾经问过一个非常相似的问题,并得到了一个可以从命令行运行的响应,但现在我想使用 R 来自动化 Windows 的过程(Linux 更容易)。
- 创建本地目录(或已存在)
- 在云端生成一个与本地同名的新 github 存储库(基于此答案)
- 将 .git 添加到本地仓库
- 进行初始提交
- 在云存储库和本地存储库之间建立链接
- 将本地 repo 中的提交和文件推送到 github
我相信基于我在失败之前一直到第 5 步的输出(因为本地目录中的提交和文件永远不会转到云中的 github)。我知道第 2 步有效,因为这里创建了空仓库。我不知道如何测试第 5 步。在最后一步shell(cmd6, intern = T)
,RGui 和 RStudio 导致了永恒的死亡螺旋。问题是:如何将提交和本地存储库推送到云端。
## Create Directory
repo <- "foo5"
project.dir <- file.path(getwd(), repo)
## Throw a READ.ME in the directory
cat("This is a test", file=file.path(project.dir, "READ.ME"))
## Github info (this will change per user)
password <-"pass"
github.user <- "trinker"
## Get git location
test <- c(file.exists("C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/git.exe"),
file.exists("C:/Program Files/Git/bin/git.exe"))
gitpath <- c("C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/git.exe",
"C:/Program Files/Git/bin/git.exe")[test][1]
## download curl and set up github api
wincurl <- "http://curl.askapache.com/download/curl-7.32.0-win64-ssl-sspi.zip"
url <- wincurl
tmp <- tempfile( fileext = ".zip" )
unzip(tmp, exdir = tempdir())
shell(paste0(tempdir(), "/curl http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem -o " ,
tempdir() , "/curl-ca-bundle.crt"))
json <- paste0(" { \"name\":\"" , repo , "\" } ") #string we desire formatting
json <- shQuote(json , type = "cmd" )
cmd1 <- paste0( tempdir() ,"/curl -i -u \"" , github.user , ":" , password ,
"\" https://api.github.com/user/repos -d " , json )
shell(cmd1, intern = T)
## Change working directory
wd <- getwd()
## set up the .git directory
cmd2 <- paste0(shQuote(gitpath), " init")
shell(cmd2, intern = T)
## add all the contents of the directory for tracking
cmd3 <- paste0(shQuote(gitpath), " add .")
shell(cmd3, intern = T)
cmdStat <- paste0(shQuote(gitpath), " status")
shell(cmdStat, intern = T)
## Set email (may not be needed)
Trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x) #remove trailing/leading white
x <- file.path(path.expand("~"), ".gitconfig")
if (file.exists(x)) {
y <- readLines(x)
email <- Trim(unlist(strsplit(y[grepl("email = ", y)], "email ="))[2])
} else {
z <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".gitconfig")
if (file.exists(z)) {
email <- Trim(unlist(strsplit(y[grepl("email = ", y)], "email ="))[2])
} else {
warning(paste("Set `email` in", x))
cmdEM <- paste0(shQuote(gitpath), sprintf(" config --global user.email %s", email))
system(cmdEM, intern = T)
## Initial commit
cmd4 <- paste0(shQuote(gitpath), ' commit -m "Initial commit"')
system(cmd4, intern = T)
## establish connection between local and remote
cmd5 <- paste0(shQuote(gitpath), " remote add origin https://github.com/",
github.user, "/", repo, ".git")
shell(cmd5, intern = T)
## push local to remote
cmd6 <- paste0(shQuote(gitpath), " push -u origin master")
shell(cmd6, intern = T)