这是我的问题。我现在正在使用 Play2 框架,它为我提供了 Ebean 作为我的默认 ORM 产品。我对Java相当了解,并决定使用Java编写一个网站,但我也想学习Go,并最终将我网站的后端代码更改为Go(Go的框架Revel)。我知道我的数据仍然存在,但我将不得不使用不同的 ORM 产品来重写所有模型。即使我维护完全相同的数据库结构,这会导致问题吗?


1 回答 1


It depends on what's your definition of 'problem'.

ORM frameworks provides facility to map database information (relational data) into OOP object. Variation exists between ORM frameworks as to what DBMS they support, default naming rule when mapping table/column name to class/field, update cascading, transaction management, cache management, SQL translation etc.

You can keep your database schema and map it using different ORM, above is just some problem you might / not encounter along the way

于 2013-09-06T01:06:57.190 回答