I'm writing a Windows application in C and I'm trying to figure out how to retrieve metadata about files (specifically, it's the author information that I'm interested in). I've been up and down Microsoft's list of functions and I haven't found anything that looks like what I want.

From Google and other Stack Overflow questions, I've found that NTFS stores metadata separately from the files themselves, so I'm guessing that just opening the files and looking for the metadata probably isn't what I want.


1 回答 1


最简单的方法是通过IShellFolder2::GetDetailsEx()API 使用 shell。这样,您就可以访问 shell 知道如何提取的任何元数据。这里有一个使用此接口查询回收站中项目的示例,但相同的技术适用于任何文件夹。

于 2013-09-05T23:09:40.670 回答