我的代码(如果你想测试运行它,应该可以将代码复制到 vba 并在 excel 工作表中有一个名为“Prodthishour”的单元格):
Sub Production2()
Totalproduction = 10000
Maxprodperhour = 150
Minimumatprod = 50
Timeperiod = 90
Nonprodhours = 10 'Isnt used yet
Openhours = 80
Producedstart = 0 'What we have at the start of the production, often nothing
Prodleft = 10000 'The total production is what is left in the beginning
Dim Produced
Produced = Producedstart
ReDim ProductionArray(Openhours, 1) As Double
For n = 1 To Openhours - 1 'Takes minus 1 value, as the rest will be the last value
A = Prodleft - Maxprodperhour * (Openhours - n) ' A secures that the randomness isnt such that the production wont be fullfilled
If A < 0 Then
A = 0
End If
If Prodleft > Maxprodperhour Then
Maxlimit = Maxprodperhour
Maxlimit = Prodleft
End If
ProductionArray(n, 1) = A + Minimumatprod + Rnd() * (Maxlimit - Minimumatprod - A)
Cells.Find("Prodthishour").Offset(n, 1).Value2 = ProductionArray(n, 1)
Produced = Producedstart 'Sets it at the startvalue again to make sure it doesn't accumulate the values
For Each Item In ProductionArray
Produced = Produced + Item
Prodleft = Totalproduction - Produced
If Prodleft < 0 Then
Prodleft = 0
End If
If Prodleft < Maxprodperhour Then
Exit For
End If
Next n
Cells.Find("Prodthishour").Offset(1, 0).Resize(UBound(ProductionArray, 1), 1).Value = ProductionArray
End Sub
Cells.Find("Prodthishour").Offset(n, 1).Value2 = ProductionArray(n, 1)
For Each Item In ProductionArray
Produced = Produced + Item
总结一切,都给我价值,但 ProductionArray 仍然打印为零