I am writing an Eclipse Plug-in which requires me to add two new configurations to the ManagedProject upon mouse-click on a menu option. I basically runs on Android projects that has Native Support Added to it. I am trying to achieve this using ManagedBuildManager and Configuration classes from the CDT core plug-in interfaces.(org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.* package).

To complete the task, I create two new Configurations for the project and run the exportArtifactInfo() method to complete the action. In the end, the configuration gets added but the project folder contains duplicate folders of all the original folders in the Project folder.

I looked up if there is a bug in CDT 4.0 and found that it is indeed a resolved bug.


But I cannot figure out what the actual fix is for this bug. If anyone has encountered and fixed it or knows how to fix this, please point me in the right direction.


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