在 Chrome 和 IE 下,两个文本块显示在同一行。但是在 Safari 5.1.7 中,文本显示在不同的行上(上方和下方)

我在 css 中遗漏了一些需要为 Safari 准备的东西吗?

HTML 和 CSS 显示在这里http://jsfiddle.net/Dano007/RKecc/


    <div class=" grid 6 cheese_people_l" id="cheese_people_l">
        <img id="cheese_people_l"src="img/cheese_expert.jpg">
        <p>Chief Cheese Taster <br/> Dave Le Conk</p>
        <p class="chesse_people">&ldquo;I've always had a passion for cheese. Now I get to taste it everyday! After nearly 20 years I'm still loving the job that I do. I can't actually see myself doing anything else.&rdquo;</p>

    <div class=" grid 6 cheese_people_r" id="cheese_people_r">
        <img id="cheese_people_r" src="img/cheese_owner.jpg">
        <p>The Big Cheese Owner <br/>  Sally Fiffle</p>
        <p class="chesse_people">&ldquo;I wanted to create an online store that I'd would trust. This has been done by our amazing staff and the products they produce. Nothing can replace dedication and pasion.&rdquo;</p>

1 回答 1


好像 Safari 5 不支持宽度中的 vw 值。

它忽略了这些声明,就好像没有设置宽度一样,因此您的元素具有width:100%, 并出现在不同的行上。


于 2013-09-05T20:48:41.053 回答