I am working on a project in which users upload photos. They are then given an embed code that they can place in their blog posts. This uses the object tag and fills it with content from our server. The problem I am having is that the content is larger than the object tag, and is getting cut off. I need to take the height and width of the image loaded inside the object tag and change the height and width of the object tag to match.

My problem is this: - When I run some JS in the console it cannot see any elements inside the object tag - The object loads a file from our server, in that file I have included some JS, but it is not able to see the object tag it is being loaded into.

Anyone have any advice here?

PHP fopen/fclose or ajax - not finding file

I'm having issues with my module. There are different steps involved and I'm not sure where it is hanging up at.

I'm using an xml file for storage of data. When I add information via my php call, everything works fine. It is if I need to edit that same file right away that it seems that the ajax call to load the data cannot find the file.

1 - I use php on the server side to write the data from the html page to the xml file. I utilize fopen/fclose for this file.

2 - When I'm needing to edit the data, I read the file in and add the information.

3 - If I notice I have a typo or something and need to edit the data immediately afterwards, the ajax call doesn't find the file. But the file is there and has been written properly. If I wait like an hour or so and come back to it, it works fine too.

Is there something with fclose that may not be unlocking the file?


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