我正在使用 HTML Agility Pack 并在子 h4 元素中div
它进行搜索。"RelayClinical Patient Education with Animations Install zip"
HTML 源代码
<div class="fileHeader" id="fileHeader_7311111">
<h4 class="collapsed">RelayClinical Patient Education with Animations Install zip</h4>
<div class="defaultMethod">
<a class="buttonGrey" href="https://mckc-esd.subscribenet.com/cgi-bin/download?rid=2511740931&rp=DTM20130905162949MzcyODIwNjM0" title="Clicking this link will open a new window." rel="noreferrer">
HTTPS Download
HtmlNodeCollection fileHeaderNodes = bodyNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='fileHeader']//h4");
foreach (HtmlNode fileHeader in fileHeaderNodes)
if (fileHeader.InnerText.Trim() == "RelayClinical Patient Education with Animations Install zip")
HtmlNodeCollection fileHeaderNodes = bodyNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='fileHeader']//h4");
foreach (HtmlNode fileHeader in fileHeaderNodes)
if (fileHeader.InnerText.Trim() == "RelayClinical Patient Education with Animations Install zip")
foreach (HtmlNode link in fileHeader.SelectNodes("//a[@href]"))
// extract the link and put in dataUrl var
if ((link.InnerText.Trim() == "HTTPS Download") && isFound == true)
// select all a tags (html anchor tags) that have a href attribute
HtmlAttribute att = link.Attributes["href"];
dataUrl = att.Value;