我有一个我正在管理的 Perl 程序,它能够分叉多个进程(达到指定的限制)、监视它们,并在它们退出时分叉其他进程(再一次,达到限制),直到要运行的事物列表完成。它工作正常,但由于某种原因,它似乎没有从我的子进程中获取正确的退出状态。
不起作用的代码使用 Perl 的fork()
# Initialize process if running in parallel mode
my $pid;
if ($options{'parallel'} > 0) {
log_status("Waiting to fork test #".$curr_test{'id'}."...\n");
# Here, wait for child processes to complete so we can fork off new ones without going over the specified limit
while ( keys(%children) >= $options{'parallel'}) {
my $kid = waitpid(-1, 0);
my $kid_status = $?;
if ($kid > 0) {
log_status("Child process (PID ".$kid.", test ".$children{$kid}.") exited with status ".$kid_status.".\n");
$error_status |= $kid_status;
delete $children{$kid};
$pid = fork();
tdie("Unable to fork!\n") unless defined $pid;
if ($pid != 0) {
# I'm the parent
$is_child = 0;
log_status("Forked child process (PID ".$pid.").\n");
$children{$pid} = $curr_test{'logstr'};
else {
# I'm the child
$is_child = 1;
log_status("Starting test = ".$curr_test{'logstr'}."\n");
### finish_child() ###
# Handles exiting the script, like the finish() function, but only when running as a child process in parallel mode.
# Parameters:
# - The error code to exit with
sub finish_child( $ ) {
my ($error_status) = @_;
# If running in parallel mode, exit this fork
if ($options{'parallel'} > 0) {
log_status("Entering: ".Cwd::abs_path("..")."\n");
chdir "..";
log_status("Exiting with status: ".$error_status."\n");
# If build failed, log status and gracefully clean up logfiles, then continue to next test in list.
if ($test_status > 0) {
$email_subject = "Build failed!";
log_status("Build of ".$testline." FAILED.\n");
tlog(1, "Build of ".$testline." FAILED.\n");
log_status("Entering: ".Cwd::abs_path("..")."\n");
chdir "..";
log_report(\%curr_test, $test_status);
# Print out pass/fail status for each test as it completes
$quietmode = $options{'quiet'}; # Backup quiet mode setting
$options{'quiet'} = 0;
if ($test_status == 0) {
log_status("Test ".$testline." PASSED.\n");
tlog(0, "Test ".$testline." PASSED.\n");
else {
log_status("Test ".$testline." FAILED.\n");
tlog(1, "Test ".$testline." FAILED.\n");
$options{'quiet'} = $quietmode; # Restore quiet mode setting
# Link logs to global area and rename if running multiple tests
system("ln -sf ".$root_dir."/verify/".$curr_test{'id'}."/".$verify::logfile." ../".(($test_status > 0) ? "fail".$curr_test{'id'}.".log" : "pass".$curr_test{'id'}.".log" )) if (@tests > 1);
if ($options{'parallel'} > 0 && $pid == 0) {
# If we're in parallel mode and I'm a child process, I should exit, instead of continuing to loop.
else {
# If we're not in parallel mode, I should continue to loop.
<Parent> Waiting for all child processes to complete...
<Child> [PID 28657] Entering: <trimmed>
<Child> [PID 28657] Running user command: make --directory <trimmed> TARGET=build BUILD_DIR=<trimmed> RUN_DIR=<trimmed>
<Child> [PID 28657] User command finished with return code: 512
<Child> [PID 28657] Build step finished with return code 512
<Child> [PID 28657] Entering: <trimmed>
<Child> [PID 28657] Build of rx::basic(1) FAILED.
<Child> [PID 28657] Entering: <trimmed>
<Child> [PID 28657] Test rx::basic(1) FAILED.
<Child> [PID 28657] Closing log file.
<Child> [PID 28657] Closing error log file.
<Child> [PID 28657] Entering: <trimmed>
<Parent> Child process (PID 28657, test rx::basic(1)) exited with status 0.
我有使用 Perl IPC 来运行命令的代码(代替system()
作为参考,我正在运行Perl v5.10.1
. 如果您觉得需要查看其余代码,此 Perl 工具也在 GitHub 上开源:https ://github.com/benrichards86/Verify/blob/master/verify.pl