我有一个循环执行数据库调用(sqlite3)以减少回调中的库存。它工作得很好,将“使用的部分”减少了 1。
平均可能有 1 到大约 60 个数组元素,因此这个循环将快速连续创建 1 到 60 个异步任务。回调函数签名是 (error, row) 由 JS 绑定到 sqlite3 确定。我无法改变它。
i = 0;
while (i < struct.PortionsUsed.length) {
portionUsed = struct.PortionsUsed[i];
Db.get("SELECT blah blah WHERE portion = ? ORDER BY date LIMIT 1", portionUsed, selectCallBack);
该数组包含许多重复的元素,并且对数组进行排序当然会将它们彼此相邻放置,以便更多的逻辑可以创建一个计数“portionUsed”项目的数量,以便在一次调用中从库存中扣除,将 60 个任务减少到 10 个左右,因此值得一试。这意味着必须给回调一个计数,但没有通用机制来提供它。
闭包不起作用(尝试过),因为当回调触发时,计数是循环中最后一个计数的值。我需要在创建回调任务时提供当前的“计数”,以便在回调中可用,因此我尝试使用回调函数对象的原型扩展,通过指定一个新的函数来拖动每个函数的唯一“计数”每个 Db 调用的实例化回调函数。
struct.PortionsUsed = struct.PortionsUsed.sort(); // Get all identical portion items adjacent to each other.
i = 0;
while (i < struct.PortionsUsed.length) {
// i points at the first portion item, whatever it is.
j = i + 1;
while (j < struct.PortionsUsed.length && struct.PortionsUsed[i] === struct.PortionsUsed[j]) {
// j points at 1 past the last identical portion item.
count = j - i; // count has the number of portions to deduct from inventory.
// Get the oldest Portion row and reduce the qty by the count.
portionUsed = struct.PortionsUsed[i];
if (debug) {console.log('Starting Select for ' + portionUsed + ' - count=' + count);}
selectCallBack.prototype.count = count;
selectCallBack.prototype.portionUsed = portionUsed;
Db.get("SELECT rowid AS rowNum, portion, qty FROM Portion WHERE portion = ? ORDER BY date LIMIT 1", portionUsed, new selectCallBack);
//Db.get("SELECT rowid AS rowNum, portion, qty FROM Portion WHERE portion = ? ORDER BY date LIMIT 1", portionUsed,
// function(error, row) {count; portionUsed; selectCallBack(error, row);});
i = j;
回调现在根本不起作用,因为 (error, row) 都未定义。为什么?我怎样才能解决这个问题?在回调中, this.count 可以按我的意愿使用。
function selectCallBack(error, row) {
var count = this.count; // made active ONLY when attempting to use prototype
var portionUsed = this.portionUsed; // made active ONLY when attempting to use prototype
var portion;
if (debug) {console.log('Hit selectCallBack. count=' + count + ' portionUsed=' + portionUsed);}
if (debug) {console.log(typeof error + typeof row);}
if (error !== null) {
if (debug) {console.log('selectCallBack error:\n' + error);}
success = false;
} else {
// real work goes here
} // no return statement of any kind.
Starting Select for Coffee - count=5
Starting Select for Hot Tea - count=2
Hit selectCallBack. count=2 portionUsed=Hot Tea
Hit selectCallBack. count=2 portionUsed=Hot Tea
Starting Select for Coffee - count=5
Hit selectCallBack. count=5 portionUsed=Coffee
selectCallBack error:
Starting Select for Hot Tea - count=2
Hit selectCallBack. count=2 portionUsed=Hot Tea
selectCallBack error: