php to connect and get all rows
$query = 'SELECT * FROM cdr';
$sql = $remotedbh->prepare($query);
$dblist = $sql->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($sql->rowCount() > 0){
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($dblist,JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
else {
echo 0;
The problem is my json looks like this
"0": {
"calldate": "2013-08-14 11:41:28",
"clid": "\"tet\" <1002>",
"src": "1002",
"dst": "8834404",
"dcontext": "from-internal",
"channel": "SIP\/1002-00000000",
"dstchannel": "IAX2\/voipms-6749",
"lastapp": "Dial",
"lastdata": "IAX2\/voipms\/14798834404,300,",
"duration": "7",
"billsec": "0",
"disposition": "NO ANSWER",
"amaflags": "3",
"accountcode": "",
"uniqueid": "1376498488.1",
"userfield": "",
"did": "",
"recordingfile": "",
"cnum": "",
"cnam": "",
"outbound_cnum": "",
"outbound_cnam": "",
"dst_cnam": ""
"1": {
"calldate": "2013-08-14 11:42:55",
"clid": "\"Rtest\" <1002>",
"src": "1002",
"dst": "9187755592",
"dcontext": "from-internal",
"channel": "SIP\/1002-00000001",
"dstchannel": "IAX2\/voipms-121",
"lastapp": "Dial",
"lastdata": "IAX2\/voipms\/19187755592,300,",
"duration": "494",
"billsec": "485",
"disposition": "ANSWERED",
"amaflags": "3",
"accountcode": "",
"uniqueid": "1376498575.3",
"userfield": "",
"did": "",
"recordingfile": "",
"cnum": "",
"cnam": "",
"outbound_cnum": "",
"outbound_cnam": "",
"dst_cnam": ""
"2": {
so on so forth
I also am having the problem of everytime it pulls all the information a row is only half complete so it has a problem with that aswell, I was thinking of finding away to query the everything that is 5 minutes or older.