解决方案 :-
- 步骤1:
- 第2步:
并在您的 apt/etc/local.xml 之后(“/default_setup>”结束标记)添加新连接
<initStatements><![CDATA[SET NAMES utf8]]></initStatements>
<initStatements><![CDATA[SET NAMES utf8]]></initStatements>
- 第 3 步:
从“app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Resource.php”复制文件 == TO ==>“app/code/local/Mage/Core/Model/Resource.php”
1- 查找受保护的 $_mappedTableNames;
public function getSlaveDb()
$prefix = 'slave_db_'; // prefix for the slaves databased in the xml file
$cookieExpireTime = 1209600; // 2 weeks Cookie ( database selection ) expire time
$dbArray = array(1,2); // All slaves Db in-case the cookie has invalid value
$slaveDb = array_rand( array_flip($dbArray),1 ); // How to alternate between databases ( in this demo i just use 2 database ) adjust the selection of the database to fit hoe many database you want to use !
if(!isset($_COOKIE['read_db']) || !in_array($_COOKIE['read_db'],$dbArray)) // Check for the cookie values
setcookie("read_db", $slaveDb, time()+$cookieExpireTime); // set the current database to the user in cookie so next time user use same connection to database ! to avoid jumping or hopping on different databases in short time
$slaveDb = $_COOKIE['read_db']; // return the database selected if the user has it in the cookies
return $prefix.$slaveDb;
3- 将方法“public function getConnection($name)”修改为如下所示:
public function getConnection($name)
if($name =='core_read') // Only applied for READ Connections !!!
$name = $this->getSlaveDb(); // change the name of the connection to the one we get from our main method
//....... Leave the rest of the function as it is !!
这将允许您使用您在 XML 和 PHP 代码中为 core_read 连接指定的数据库以及为 magento 中的所有其他连接指定的 default_setup 连接( core_write,core_setup )