好吧,我正在开发和通过蓝牙与另一个 PCB 通信的应用程序。它由 3 个搜索栏组成,可调节 PCB 的 3 个参数的值。
1. Send petition string for read the first value
2. Receive the first value
3. Send petition string for read the second value
4. Receive the second value
5. Send petition string for the third value
6. Receive the third value
当我们按下“读取值”按钮时,就会发生这种情况。必须注意的是,我使用一个可运行的处理程序在传输之间等待 1 秒,让应用程序读取每个请求的答案:
public void receiveValues() {
/**Petition string that is sent to the PCB to request the variable's value*/
final String message_full1 = 2b e1 b4 e9 ff 1f b5; //variable 1
final String message_full2 = 2b e1 b8 e9 ff 1f b3; //variable 2
final String message_full3 = 2b e1 bc e9 ff 1f b1; //variable 3
final String message_full4 = 2b e0 bc f3 ff 1f 7c; //save request
final String message_full5 = 2b e0 be f3 ff 1f 7a; //save status
/*Send the first string to the PCB*/
byte[] send1 = message_full1.getBytes();
/**Delay to wait until it receives the answer to the petition above*/
read1_handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
/**Read write confirmation after 1s = 1000ms*/
String inpuRead = "2b 00 ff fe c7 80"; //This string is what I receive as an answer via bluetooth
/**We check that the received string is not null, to avoid program crash*/
if (inpuRead != null) { //|| !inpuRead.equals("")) {
/*If it nos null, then we call the next function*/
int splitInt = splitReceivedString (inpuRead); //This function is declared below and extracts from the string , only the chars that we need.
receive1 = splitInt;
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Loading values", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
else {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Communication error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}, 1000);
/**Delay to wait to send de second petition string*/
write2_handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
/**write message 2 after 1s = 1000ms*/
byte[] send2 = message_full2.getBytes();
}, 2000);
/**Delay to wait until it receives the answer to the second petition string*/
read2_handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
/**Read write confirmation after 1s = 1000ms*/
String inpuRead = "2b 00 ff fe c7 80";
if (inpuRead != null) {
int splitInt = splitReceivedString (inpuRead);
receive2 = splitInt;
else {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), Communication error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}, 3000);
/**Delay to wait to send de third petition string*/
write3_handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
/**write message 3 after 1s = 1000ms*/
byte[] send3 = message_full3.getBytes();
}, 4000);
/**Delay to wait until it receives the answer to the third petition string*/
read3_handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
/**Read write confirmation after 1s = 1000ms*/
String inpuRead = "2b 00 ff fe c7 80";
if (inpuRead != null) {
int splitInt = splitReceivedString (inpuRead);
receive3 = splitInt;
/**Set loaded values on seekbars*/
/**Message indicating the end of the transmission*/
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Values loaded!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
else {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Communication error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}, 5000);
/**This makes a save request on the pCB*/
write4_handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
/**write message 3 after 1s = 1000ms*/
byte[] send4 = message_full4.getBytes();
}, 6000);
/**This request a save statos on the PCB*/
write5_handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
/**write message 3 after 1s = 1000ms*/
byte[] send5 = message_full5.getBytes();
/**Reset out string buffer to zero*/
}, 7000);
private int splitReceivedString (String s) { //For example, s = 2b 00 ff fe c7 80
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(s," ");
String one = tokens.nextToken();
String two = tokens.nextToken();
String three = tokens.nextToken();
String four = tokens.nextToken();
String five = tokens.nextToken();
String six = tokens.nextToken();
/**The next strings are whose got the seekbar's value*/ //f.e: "fffec780"
received_hexValue = three + four + five + six;
received_hexValue = received_hexValue.trim();
/**Conversion from hex to int to set the seekbar's values*/
int_value_receive = (int)Long.parseLong(received_hexValue, 16);
int_value_receive = -200000 - int_value_receive;
newIntValue = (int_value_receive * 100) / (200000 * (-1));
return newIntValue; //For this hex value, the int value to introduce in the seekbar is "60"
更新 - 添加问题
我想做的第一件事,但我不知道如何,当它进入 an 时if
1. Send petition string for read the first value
2. Receive the first value
3. Send petition string for read the second value
4. Receive the second value
1. Send petition string for read the first value
2. Send petition string for read the second value
3. Receive the first value