
INSERT INTO rates_try (`Weight`, `length`, `height`, `Min`, `100`, `200`, `300`) VALUES (1000,0.1,2.3,1,2,3,4);


未创建行。检查您的 SQL 语法有错误;检查与您的 MySQL 服务器版本相对应的手册,以在第 1 行的“插入查询”附近使用正确的语法 INSERT INTO rates_try ( Weight, length, height, Min, 100, 200, 300) VALUES (1500,2.31,3.5,1,0,0,0);


rates_try ( `Weight` int(11), 
            `length` double, 
            `height` double, 
            `Min` double, 
            `100` double, 
            `200` double, 
            `300` double )


创建语句的 php 代码

$insertquery = "INSERT INTO rates_{$tablename} (`Weight`, `length`, `height`, `Min`";
                foreach ($titles as $title){
                    if (empty($title) ){

                        $insertquery .= ", `" . $title . "`";
                $insertquery .=  ") VALUES (".$row['weight'].",".$row['cbm_min'].",".$row['cbm_max'].",".$value;
                $a = 0;
                while ($a < $counter){
                    $newvalue = $array[$a][$i];
                    if (empty($newvalue)){
                        $newvalue = 0;
                    $insertquery .= ",". $newvalue;
                $insertquery .= ");";

                echo $insertquery. "<br/>";
                $queryResult = mysqli_query($con, insertquery);

2 回答 2


$queryResult = mysqli_query($con, insertquery);



于 2013-09-05T10:17:43.103 回答

This is an interesting one, as you have actually followed the rules about using backticks to surround column names - and according to the document I just checked, your column names ARE indeed valid:

Identifiers may begin with a digit but unless quoted may not consist solely of digits.

On that note, while MySQL identifiers on Windows are not case sensetive, you will find that on Linux, they ARE. Are you sure that you haven't missed an upper or lower case somewhere? Your first column uses an upper case to start, but none of the others do.

I will however say that using column names that must be back-ticked is generally a BAD idea. Use something that doesn't need special care each and every time you refer to it.

于 2013-09-05T10:14:50.583 回答