I have a query join 2 table as below:
SELECT * FROM Staff s INNER JOIN Account a on s.AccNo = a.AccNo WHERE a.Status = 'Active'
The result as shown:
AccNo | Name | ID
1 | Alex | S01
2 | John | S02
After I get the staff ID,I write second query to find out the max sale as below:
SELECT s.ProductID,Max(s.Amount) from Sales s WHERE StaffID = 'S01' GROUP BY s.ProductID
The max sale for Staff 'S01' as below:
ProductID | Amount
Cloth | 2000
How to I combine these 2 queries and become result as below? Thanks
AccNo | Name | ID | Amount
1 | Alex | S01 | 2000
2 | John | S02 | 5000